Wednesday 4 April 2018

The Curse of the Potato People

What are potato people?

Simple. These are the droves of mod loving individuals that complain to authors that things don't work right, things go slow, things crash their computers.

We're not talking about the good guys that let you know when you've made a horrible mistake or overlooked some clipping but the guys that expect everything to work on their Windows 98 PC.

I mod Morrowind. I mod it for me, my PC set up and my enjoyment. I don't charge people for it and I offer it out to people that may also want to use it.

When I write a mod/ make a model/ write a script or add shading to things I don't do it for the potato people. I do it so it will work and run perfectly on MY machine.

Next time you want to tell someone you are getting five FPS in Balmora or some other cell then please, before you complain about it, check your potato!

You can not run full MGXE with extra shaders for this and that, a couple of sky improvement mods, hi-res texture mods and seven-hundred and fifty three other mods and improved meshes if you have a potato!

Most modders know that Morrowinds engine isn't particularly good and will strive to make sure that they do the best they can to release something that is optimised and tweaked to run smoothly. All you have to do as an end user is to make sure you're not trying to run things on a piece of shit.

If your computer is 10 years old and running Vista and you complain about your FPS then I would strongly suggest you either A. Go and buy a fucking new one or B. Play Solitaire.

It is 2018! This game we love is 16 years old next month and you should have no problems running it.

Before you start crying about not being able to afford a new one then check out your lifestyle first. If you truly can't afford to replace your potato then lower the bar.

Morrowind is about its game play not its fantastic graphics and mind bending physics. It's a world all of its own and even a few tweaks that any computer should be able to handle will improve the games looks considerably.

Grabbing some better looking NPC's with bodies that don't look like jigsaw puzzles is a great start. Running Flash's optimisation patch for better FPS and a whole host of other fixes and tweaks that are supplied freely by game loving modders like myself.

I could make a huge list of mods and fixes but that takes away the fun of endlessly searching for them yourself and I certainly wouldn't want to deprive you of that.

Good luck and have fun, but for fucks sake, stop whining if you have a potato.

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I've neglected Morrowind once again! The neck went wonky and I couldn't sit here wasting my life but...I did get a chance to finish ...