Hidden Admin

This one is very annoying. Yes, you're set as Administrator, yes, it is your PC, Yes, you are logged in. No, Windows 10 says you're not the Administrator >.<

If there is only one account on your PC then, believe it or not, Windows doesn't think you can be trusted enough to call you the admin and will only give you an unelevated admin account.

To fix this you have to add an Administrator account, (yeah, not kidding, you, the person Windows doesn't trust to be the admin will allow you to make an admin account...you couldn't make it up right?)

When I say fix, I really mean enable. Windows 10 already comes with an Admin account that is conveniently disabled and also hidden. Cunning? This admin account is called an elevated account and does not adhere to UAC.

To access and enable this account we need to go to our trusty search box in the start menu and type the obscure and mentally named: usrmgr.msc

Windows naming protocol is allergic to "e"s by the looks of things...

To unlock this gem we need to select "Users" from the left-hand pane and then right-click "Administrator", and properties.

Simply uncheck the "Account is disabled" box and apply it to unlock the hidden Admin account.

You now have the option to log out and sign back in as a true administrator whenever you want.

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I've neglected Morrowind once again! The neck went wonky and I couldn't sit here wasting my life but...I did get a chance to finish ...